Saturday, August 16, 2014

Violin: Playing Through the Pain

I hate to admit it, but it's been a while since I picked up my violin. I've had quite a bit of shoulder and finger pain recently, and so I set the instrument down. "It'll get better," I said, "and I'll pick it up again soon."

Well, days turn to weeks and the first thing you know, it's been better than a fortnight.

Considerably better than a fortnight.

I don't know why we sometimes step away from things that mean a lot to us. At least I do that sometimes, I guess you probably do as well. Laziness? Maybe.

Well, I've decided that I need to get back to playing in spite of the hands. Starting again slowly, and then working back to my hour a day minimum.

Lots of hand stretching, and probably some Ben Gay at night. I've got some Aleve right there on the music stand. I'll let you know how things go!